Alien Anatomy
Noveous Particulus Mundus
Comparative location on Human -Chest area
Star 9
Reptile: Class AD Male TS4489
Sketched in the battle of Blackmore 2/22/2092 During Xray
Re drawn in Barracks 239Q Amalfi - Southern Italy. 2/31/92
Subject case file sealed-classified- Reopened 9/07’2098
Notes of Interest:
Subject TS4489 incarcerated at Penal Colony Maximum security Warsaw Poland. Prisoner escaped on 4/15/92 using the believed stolen identity of Reptile Guard number 3311A. During the interrogation of Reptile guard 3311A She confessed to aiding TS4489 to escape and was sent to the United States maximum security prison in Charlottesville North Carolina. It is rumored that this escape feasco was carefully arranged by the Americans to use the guard 3311A as A planted spy among the Reptilian army division in the United States. Escapee TS4489 was not located until the end of the war when it was learned that he had been turned and worked with the Greys and Humans on intelligence missions