Portfolio > Robots & Androids

Harmon Consults The Big Book (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Harmon Consults The Big Book (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6ft H X 3ft D X 32'W
Harmon Consults The Big Book (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6ft H X 3ft D X 32'W
Harmon Consults The Big Book (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6ft H X 3ft D X 32'W
Harmon Consults The Big Book
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6ft H X 3ft D X 32'W
Harmon Consults The Big Book (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6ft H X 3ft D X 32'W
Harmon Consults The Big Book (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifact
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D
Robot Sculpture (sold)
Mixed Metal Artifacts
6.5ft H X 3.75ft W 3.5ft D

All Robots and Androids shown here are in private collections. Robots and Androids are full scale sculptures made from iconic repurposed artifacts spanning six decades including airplane parts, antique clocks, type writers, milking machines and old surgical tubing.