Portfolio > (SCI FI) Fictional (?) - Time Machines

Time Machine 18
Time Machine 18
Graphic and hand drawn art
24 x 24

TM 18

Appliance with counter rotating disks, one bottom and one top, is nested inside cylinders, one inner and one outer, which are also counter rotating. Appliance disks RPM is matched with RPM of cylinders rotating at a maximum of 35 K. An event similar to a microscopic black hole is created from the intense electromagnetic fields of the appliance and the cylinders, referred to as the apparatus. This “black hole” expands rapidly to a preprogrammed area encapsulating the vehicle or ship hosting the apparatus. During this process an event similar to an event horizon is created. The appliance disk rotations are then differentiated from the cylinders allowing the vehicle or ship to enter the appropriate programed space time. A gravitation lock secures the entire vehicle/ship containing the apparatus to earth. See TM16 for space time explanation.

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