Portfolio > Alien Anatomy

Limponic Posterior Vitalis (Grey)
Limponic Posterior Vitalis (Grey)
pen graphite and digital drating
11 x 14

Limponic Posterior Vitalis
Comparative location Human Left femur area
Grey Human Hybrid class A
Sketched on the field of battle during conflict near the London bridge on 6/22/2088 from memory of previous Limponic Posterior Vitalis fracture of a Grey.
Patient transferred to field hospital Beta 3 London England on 6/22/2088.
Patient resumed service on 7/18/2088.

Notes of interest:
This particular Grey was in fact Cvascous the nephew of the Grand Chancellor of the third planet to the third star of the Pleiades system. Apparently Cvascous had lied to get into the war, desiring as all young Greys, to fight and aid the humans in defeat of the Reptiles. Cvascous was Considered what we would term Royalty. His uncle, provider for Cvascous, was unaware that his nephew had joined the war and he when learned of his position had Cvascous transferred back to the home planet and assigned to what would be are our equivalent of a tech position with relatively low risk. Not to fight as a Grey was considered Cowardly much the same as the fictional Klingon characters of the popular twentieth century Farnsworth Scope series Star trek. Cvascous is currently a high ranking member of the WTC (World Technological Consortium) and has become a leader in the field of inter-dimensional time travel concentrating on the areas of temporal time placement and social logistics.