Alien Anatomy
Pasti Montous Laptus
Comparative Location: Human stomach
Subject: Reptile Class D
Sketched in field hospital 3a. Battle of Spokane WA. 12/3/2080
Re drawn in field house 3603 Sprague
Subject lived: Incarcerated at Normandie House Penal Colony 2a Post Falls Idaho.
Note of interest:
Penal Colony 2a Post Falls Idaho was burned down by rebel forces of left-wing activists while protesting alien rights. All prisoners where safely transported underground during the fire and later moved to other prisons in the Seattle Tacoma area. This Plate (6) was reanimated in field house 3603 Sprague on an old Apple Mac Book Pro c2021-2025 using a version of Adobe Photo shop from that time. In addition a 1973 IBM 5100 was also used. Reportedly the actual 1973 IBM 5100 computer brought back to 2036 by time traveler John Titor, however I was unable to verify that this was actually that same computer.