Portfolio > Alien Anatomy

Nioctus Spina Lactaseous
Nioctus Spina Lactaseous
pen, graphite and digital drawing
11 x 14

Nioctus Spina Lactaseous
Comparative location - Human Spine
Star (Unknown)
Classification: Grey Venacton Hybrid / Interpreter / Human-Reptile-Venacton-Grey
Sketched in the field From Xray 2/27/2088 - Finalized 3/15/2088 Field Hospital 77K Northern France
Subject case file - (Name and rank classified DOAD)
Notes of interest:
Grey Venacton hybrids are a mostly docile species originating from the third attempted takeover of their planet by the more aggressive D class reptiles over five hundred human years ago. The Venaction race shared the same star system with the Greys, however, inter breeding was not possible until a form of genetic manipulation and gene splicing was developed by a joint effort of the Greys and the Venacton races. This hybrid breading process was established to confuse the reptiles and secure the future of both species. The Spine of this particular Grey Venacton Hybrid patient showed indications of supplemental repair complications not due to injuries sustained in battle. It should be noted that the successful hybridization of the two species was due in large part to the technological adaptations derived from the Venactions.