Portfolio > Alien Anatomy

Ventriculum Magna Reptilian
Ventriculum Magna Reptilian
pen, graphite and digital drawing
11 x 14

Ventriculum Magna Reptilian
Comparative location to Human: (Stomach)
Reptile Class c (Hybrid – Human, Reptile – LNM541x Medic AMD (USA)
Battle for Chachapacassett Bridge 8/29/2083
Pre Surgery sketch in base camp using Trident Scope water thermography, Xray overlay
Re animated drawing completed at Barracks 12 – Hanscom House, Barrington R.I
Patient reassigned to convalesce - Veterins Memorial Spokane, WA

Notes of interest:
Reptile Class c are, for the most part passivists. However if provoked they are just as fierce as the class D Reptilian. This soldier worked for the WAA and was not injured by enemy fire. They, (the pronoun desired by this patient) was diagnosed with a Lapcarseous which is a form of cancer common among the Reptilians. It should be noted that the system of assigning a class to the various species of Reptilians was established by the Reptilian culture. This class system was, at the end of the war, removed by a joint effort of the Americans, Russians, Chinese and Reptilian council. They are used here to post authenticity and clarification to the time of the war and their use is no way a representation of the beliefs of the medical community. LNM541x had a full recovery, is a close friend and They are currently the chief medical officer at the Joint Portal Transfer Station in Chattanooga TN.